Painting trends to know
Discover the painting trends to know to dive into the history of painting with ESTADES. Here are the different pictorial styles from several painting movements.
International Gothic
This artistic style emerged between the 1380s and 1450s in Europe.
The renaissance movement
Like Renaissance art, Renaissance painting was inspired by antiquity.
Baroque painting
In a situation of religious conflict, Baroque art was born towards the end of the 16th century.
Art galleries between reality and the virtual
Thanks to virtual reality and 3D technology, many museums are now opting for digital exhibitions. This solution has been widely democratised in many countries around the world.
Virtual reality and 3D technology make it possible to reach a wider audience with a single exhibition.
Artistic techniques, from learning to know-how
The collective action around the learning of artistic techniques aims to encourage intergenerational collaboration. It involves a complicity between the novice and the craftsman. Certain processes enable expertise to be developed.